something about consciousness
Data scientists take information from the world and use mathematics and statistics to create a model of what the phenomenon is and does and how it behaves.
So if phenomena are able to be put through mathematical computations and (parts of it) can be modeled, and then that therefore creates an understanding of that phenomenon - the only reason we can't model something fully is because it is impossible to capture the seemingly infinite amount of changes happening on a micro and macro scale, to factor in all the events in the past and what is occurring in the present that have allowed for a certain phenomenon to occur. So we use data science to take what we have labeled MOST descriptive what cause phenomena to arise - and try to make a somewhat working model of it to understand it.
So the fact that we as humans are able to experience. to experience at all - awareness then in its totality including within the scope of cognition is the ultimate model of all events past and occurring presently. but this can't be described as ultimate truth, because phenomenon is still getting filtered through a brain-body, then it can't be fully known to the observer - the observer only knows what it is able to model from external and internal phenomena interplays.
therefore humans CANNOT experience ultimate reality, but can come close.
how can we know ultimate reality if we are there to experience it - by virture of us being there to experience it, then it means the information being filtered CANNOT be representative of original SOURCE stimuli
weird- I wanna learn more